Allenscroft Children's Centre

We had an hour and a half training from Kathy Robinson with suggestions on how signing could be implemented in our setting. We decided as a whole staff team that we wanted to use signing throughout the centre and generally in conversations with children in free flow and with parents.

We had originally thought that we would learn one sign each day but this proved to be time consuming, making sure all staff had the sign etc…We then decided it would be better to learn five signs on one day and use them throughout the week.

WEEK ONE WOW!! Our first week was fantastic! We began with signs for "Hello, Stop, Good Girl/Boy" and "Thank You". But this wasn't enough! Staff wanted more! So we added "Good Morning" and "Fantastic" to our list. We also displayed some of the resources for parents to see. We set up a feedback book to write in comments and note down children seen signing. By the end of the first week, staff were already realising the potential and power of signing! Staff were very eager and could, even at this early stage, see children beginning to use some signs e.g., "Fantastic!"

WEEK TWO We learned signs for "Walk, Listen, Look, Sorry, Please, Clever" and "Good Afternoon". Staff can be seen signing in general and it seems a very natural way of communicating. One staff member was amazed it went completely quiet at lunchtime after a staff member had signed to the children to "Switch off their voices".

WEEK THREE After discussions with staff it was felt that we now needed a week without any new signs so that we could practice and reinforce the previous signs. So this is what we did in week three. During this week we saw many children attempting to sign and general feedback was very positive from parents that children were signing at home too! Parents have also asked for a parents workshop about signing and how we are using it in the centre. We have seen an improvement in all our children but particularly one child who shows challenging behaviour. Staff can be seen signing in group times and general free flow. It's Magic!

WEEK FOUR By week four staff were eagerly waiting for the new signs "toilet, drink, eat, careful, wait, water, see". A parent has also signed a whole sentence to us (and we understood it!)

Some quotes from staff:

  • "It's inspiring!"
  • "It's just magic!"
  • "A simple effect that's working"
  • "It's simple, spontaneous and so easy to use!"
  • "Something that children seem to want to use whatever their need. It's reaching all!"
  • "It's providing a "voice" for children who otherwise may not be heard!"

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