WOW First Words

signs for success

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Product Code : SKU-ip004

Price : £4.99 Incl p & p

This is the new and fun way to introduce concepts to babies and toddlers! See babies sign "play"  before babies can even say "play".

How Do I use this?

Sit with the children opposite you and the open book leaning against your tummy;

  • Point to Wow and make the sign as you smile and say: "play"
  • Encourage the children to join in by repeating the sign. If they don't want to, please don't worry as they will in their own time
  • Now use the sign in other situations. "Let's play with the bricks. Good girl. Good boy. Play with the bricks."
  • Depending on the age of the children, take a photo of the children playing. "You're playing with the ball." Or, "you're playing outside."
  • Hang the photo on the wall at a child's height and write underneath. "Playing."
  • Gather the children round. Point to the photo then the word. Sign and say: "Playing. You're playing with the ball."

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  • "I found it easy to introduce new words/signs into my little girl’s activities. We sang songs and rhymes, told stories, and carried out make-believe games. Signs helped improve her vocabulary"Susana Azevedo, mother
  • "I knew immediately this form of learning was a hit. It was different to anything we had done before, a form of learning that even the quietest of children could take part in. It felt inclusive and we were having fun"Deputy Headmistress, Sarah Watson
  • "We’ve had parents phoning in and telling us how their children have been communicating with them by using sign language. Parents have given such positive feedback towards this new programme. "Chuckles Day Nursery
